Sunday, September 04, 2011

Weaving connections: Janine's thoughts #3

Eucharist Service at St Martin-in-the-Fields

While we may have experienced a traditional Anglican liturgy, we also discovered not so traditional forms of pastoral care and outreach.

From conversation over very good coffee I learnt that this physically dispersed congregation has an unusual bulge of 20s-30s. This group, in particular, use social media to keep in touch, check on members' wellbeing, organise events and remind each other of upcoming activities, such as the walk they were heading off on that morning after church.

We discussed leadership training, since many of the younger people were engaged in the organisational life of the church as well as its pastoral and worship life. It seems that opportunities are given to people by regular leadership training sessions. These sessions are not theoretical exercises, but are opportunities to provide specific skills for specific leadership tasks within the life of the church.

These people are employed in the city in a number of ways, some that connect with the mission and life of the church. One young lady is employed by an organisation that facilitates community renewal lead and supported by groupings of local businesses. While not specifically a church program, Business Improvement Districts is about re-vitalising specific areas to improve the lives of those that live and work there. Businesses commit to join together to financially support a program in their area for at least five years.  A current program, for example, aims to actively improve the health and well-being of employees in the  Southwark area.

Programs such as these help those of us inside churches to become aware of the realities of the world that is rapidly changing around us.

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